Clean and peaceful nature is located just near the city centers. Each village has at least a hiking trail, a public beach, cross-coutry skiing route, jogging trails in the area and a disc golf course. You can pick edible berries along the hiking trail in the fall.
There are a few example:
Paloisvuori, Iisalmi city, is a diverse outdoor area and fitness centre and there are fantastic views Lake Paloisjärvi to the city centre. Iisalmen Paloisvuoren ulkoilualue - Iisalmi
Voloki trail, Sonkajärvi/Jyrkän Ruukki, is a 30 km long market hiking trail located in the vared terrain of East Sonkajärvi Lake. Hiking is more interesting when you also include a trip in a canoe. Volokinpolku - Vaellusreitti Jyrkän ruukilta erämaatunnelmiin • Retkeily » ... (
Väisälänmäki, Lapinlahti city. Inpressive national landscape in Lapinlahti. About 3 km long cultural and nature trail in the old brush burning landsxape and observation tower. Follow signposts from highway 5 in Lapinlahti.
Hällämönharju, Vieremä city (Hällämönharju, valtakunnallinen harjujensuojelualue Vieremällä • Ulkoilu » ... ( )
Tiilikkajärvi National Park, Rautavaara city was established to preserve wilderness-like lake, river and esker ecosystems. Tiilikkajärvi National Park - You can start your trip to take contact Vaarojen majat and Metsäkartano is a stunning retreat situated in Finland’s Lakeland region, the perfect setting for a fabulous holiday or an adventurous camp. ( in Rautavaara.
The Paljakanvuori nature trail, Kiuruvesi city runs through rocky terrain, forest, and along the shore of a lake. The trail is approximately two kilometers long, and the address is Putouksentie 450. An information board along the route describes the mountain's history, including ancient sacrificial cups, old Midsummer traditions, and the legend of Pirunpesä ("Devil's Nest"). The rugged natural landscapes of the mountain provide an exciting setting for children’s adventures and nature excursions. Two rest areas have been built along the trail, but there are no restrooms available.